Twenty-seven non-governmental organizations and schools received grants totaling J$3.375m from
Jamalco at the launch of the company’s 2019 volunteer programme held at the refinery recently.
The projects were successfully undertaken by a record 162 Jamalco volunteers who each remained
committed to completing 50 hours of service in 2018 to qualify for a grant valued at J$25,000.
The Council of Voluntary Social Service’s (CVSS) 2018 Young Leader Awardee, Keenan Falconer, urged
the Jamalcoans to continue to do good deeds while delivering the keynote address. While reiterating
the central theme of his speech “Good Deeds Eliminate Needs”, Mr. Falconer explained the importance
of volunteerism in achieving life-changing and transformational results.
“Every time you do a good deed you shine the light a little farther into the dark… Your greatest legacy
is not what you do today, but the kind of impact that it will have on future generations – even without
trying. You never know who is watching and what they will gain from it,” he said.
Manager of Corporate Services, Donna Marie Brooks-Gordon, congratulated the Jamalcoans for
reaching out and making a difference in their communities. She reported that a record 290 Jamalco
employees signed up to participate in the Good Deeds programme. However, 162 volunteers completed
the hours needed to apply for Good Deeds grants. “Our Good Deeds volunteers gave some 9,265 hours
CVSS’s 2018 Young Leader Awardee and keynote speaker, Keenan Falconer (right), presents a
grant valued at Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Jamaican Dollars to Faith Basic School pupil,
Jada Francis. Sharing the moment are Faith Basic School students, Principal, Marion Wright and
Jamalco volunteers Kenneth Francis, Everett Douglas and Devon Allen. and some 600 Jamalco volunteers, their family members and friends gave 13,800 hours to communities
in 2018,” she said.
Eighteen educational institutions, five churches, a youth club and three citizens’ associations were
among the recipients. The projects undertaken involved construction and refurbishing, painting,
beautification and mentorship activities.