Consistent with its sustainability ethos, Jamalco’s corporate responsibility model, has the overriding objective of advancing community development and building lasting partnerships. This underscores the company’s philosophy that its social licence to operate is derived from its host communities.
The company’s community development activities revolve around a strategic six pillared model as follows:

Awards Received

Bronze Award
Jamalco received a bronze award for contributing $100,000 in April 2023 to support the United Way of Jamaica’s COVID-19 Response and Relief efforts

Highest Corporate Donor & Jupiter Awards
Jamalco was recognized at the a special Nation Builders' & Employee Awards Ceremony for contributing over $10 million to UWJ during 2014
Community Development
The presentation of the computer tablets and the WI-FI Access Points are an important aspect of Jamalco's Community Development Programme.
Education Assistance
Jamalco supports educational development in its host communities through sponsorship of annual scholarships, bursaries, and grants for more than 200 students attending basis, primary, secondary, and tertiary institutions each year.
To date, Jamalco has awarded son $50 million in scholarships, bursaries, and grants for more than 200 students attending basic, primary, secondary, and tertiary level students in Clarendon and Manchester.
Advancing Childhood Education Programme (ACEP)
In 2013-2018, the company invested J$80 million in a flagship Advancing Childhood Education Programme, ACEP, under which 500 local basic schoolteachers were targeted for specialist training in early childhood education. The five-year programme also provided parenting instructions for 1000 parents. The initiative was aimed at increasing the grade 1 literacy profile among six-year-old children in the parishes of Manchester and Clarendon where the company operates. Assessments have pointed to a significant improvement in the children's performance since the inception of the programme which has been endorsed by the Ministry of Education.

The Jamalco Mentorship targets at risk youths at three local high schools in its operating areas in Clarendon and Manchester.
Other educational initiatives include a Book Distribution Programme under which thousands of books are distributed to schools island wide each year and a Jamalco in Schools Programme under which Jamalco personnel actively participate in enhancing school curriculum.
- Refurbishing of the Manchester Infirmary
- Renovation of the Mile Gully and Raymonds Health Centres
- The refurbishing of the Prattville Health Centre
- A new health center is under construction at Windsor Forest in South Manchester

- Delivery of Care Packages
- Construction of Housing Solutions
- Providing wheelchairs for elderly / indigents with disability
- Enabling the elderly / indigents to rest comfortably on a supportive mattress
- Link these needy residents to other community resources and support organizations
Jamalco has a strong culture of Volunteering as employees give back to their communities as individuals and in teams. Over the years, they have assisted schools at all levels of the education system, as well as health facilities and local NGOs. The employees have constructed and painted buildings, created play areas, cleaned local beaches and planted trees. The company has been recognized on several occasions and is a multiple recipient of the Council of Voluntary Social Services (CVSS) Corporate Volunteer Award for Corporate Social Responsibility.
The organization provides charitable donations and sponsorships to community institutions that are in need and which meet the established guidelines for receiving such grants. In addition, the company provides water via trucks to schools, community tanks, police stations, health centres and households located primarily in its mining operation areas during periods of severe drought.

Why We Do What We Do
It is Jamalco’s Policy to operate in a safe responsible manner which respects the environment and the health of our workforce, our customers and the communities in which we operate. We continually improve our Environment, Health and Safety Management System and support pollution prevention strategies. As a policy, Jamalco does not compromise environment, health or safety values for profit or production.