Our Strategy is


Health and Safety is a key part of Jamalco’s sustainability strategy. Making the right decisions for our business – by examining and addressing sustainability challenges – means we take into account the direct and indirect impacts to the communities and environment in which we operate.

To improve our employees’ and contractors’ work environment, we ensure the necessary focus on safety systems at work, risk management, medical aid and the correct use of personal protective equipment. These are the fundamentals which are becoming mandatory within our operations through a set of key performance indicators for employees and contractors.

our policies matter

Environmental Health & Safety

EHS Policy

It is Jamalco’s policy to operate in a safe, responsible manner which respects the environment and the health of our workforce, our customers and the communities where we operate. We will seek to engage the workforce through consultation for the elimination of hazards and risk. We will continually improve our Environment, Health and Safety Management System and support pollution prevention strategies. We will not compromise environment, health or safety value for profit or production.

EHS Value

We will work safely, promote personal wellbeing and environmental sustainability.

EHS Principle

  • We value human life above all else and manage risks accordingly.
  • We relentlessly pursue and continually improve EHS systems and processes to achieve an injury -free workplace.
  • We do not compromise our EHS value for profit or production.
  • We comply with all laws and set higher standards for ourselves and our suppliers where unacceptable risks are identified.
  • We support pollution prevention and sustainable development by incorporating social responsibility, economic success and environmental excellence into our decision-making process.
  • We measure and assess our performance and are open and transparent in our communications.
  • We supply and use safe and reliable products and services.
  • We use our knowledge to enhance the safety and well-being of our communities and other stakeholders.
  • We are all accountable for conforming with and deploying our EHS policy, value and principles.

We Build Building and Great Homes.

We successfully cope with tasks of varying complexity, provide long-term guarantees and regularly master new technologies.

Get in touch

(+380) 50 318 47 07

65 Allerton Street 901 N Pitt Str, Suite 170, VA 22314, USA
