Jamalco hosted a series of sensitization sessions with principals, teachers and students, in
selected Clarendon schools, to highlight National Earthquake Awareness Week which was
commemorated from January 11 – 17. The week was observed under the theme
‘Earthquakes have no season, do your part, be earthquake smart’.
The presentations and drills undertaken were aimed at heightening awareness,
preparedness and safe evacuation in the event an earthquake occur. Parish Disaster
Coordinator for Clarendon, Eleanor Coombs-Waite, joined with Jamalco in delivering the
message to students that Earthquakes have no season, that they can occur at any time and
wherever they are, they can experience this phenomenon.
Senior Community Relations Officer, Phillip Biggs, who coordinated the activities at York
Town, Brixton Hill, Mocho and Rock Primary Schools, outlined the reason behind the
initiative. ‘Our children are in school for approximately seven hours each day, and they need
to be reminded about how to respond if an earthquake occurs to minimise any negative
Approximately three hundred (300) students participated in the presentation delivered by
Mrs. Coombs-Waite. The excited students were happy to demonstrate their learning and
responded positively when they were asked to dramatize the actions should they
experience an earthquake.
At the Hayes and Mitchell Town Primary Schools, Community Relations Officer, Jermaine
Foster, ensured that students were aware of their vulnerability to earthquakes. Working in
partnership with Mrs. Coombs- Waite, six hundred and fifty students received preparedness
and safety information. Mr Foster explained that students from the institutions are now
able to respond correctly to earthquakes and are better informed to take the information
home to their parents and guardians.
Principal for the Hayes Primary School, Mr. Hughroy Blake, expressed gratitude to Jamalco
for the continued support and partnership, while commending the Parish Disaster
Coordinator for this great initiative.